If you are searching for a person to hash out what is in your thoughts about your health or your life and really just need to purge all the information and then come up with a plan: hooray, you are in the right place. I am THRILLED you made it here and would love to speak with you. I offer a telephone conversation to see if I am the person for you. Please submit a request here and I am glad you came to this page. To great days……………
Here is a snippet of me, enjoy:
Hit the wall and in crumbs on the floor, is that how you feel today?
Trying everything and getting frustrated? Giving up and doing what others are pressuring you to?
I am with you, if this is you. I grew up very healthy in the mountains of Northeastern Pennsylvania. Yes, I did have lots of sore throats in the winter, but I was extremely lucky to have an old fashioned doctor who came to the house and just gave me a shot of penicillin instead of making me take medications for an extended period of time. He would always then ask me what I wanted to eat: I would always raise my crackling voice to say, ‘potato chips’. Remember, we lived just outside of Amish country and all the potato chips were fresh made, no preservatives, so they were ok for us. Little did I know at that time, but that was a perfect choice for my sore throat. The salt would help decrease the infection in my mouth and throat and the chip was rough and scratchy, so it sloughed off the infected tonsils to heal much faster. Ha, those chips we all say are so bad for us were the simplest remedy to my sore throat. (My brother also had a sore throat, but it came with a loud barking cough, the croup that is not the same treatment, even though we were both sick at the same time, see croup) Perfection at its best: the penicillin shot that was quick acting, the caring doctor who came out in the snow to see me, the attention my mother showed to me when I was sick and the potato chips that did the physical work of healing my ailing tonsils. To this day, forty years later, I still have my tonsils and I have that doctor to thank. Tonsils have a function in preventing bacteria from getting into our lungs and stomach by way of our nose, eyes or mouth and they are the last physical dam to stop gate bacteria from invading. Why take out something that has a purpose? If you can work with your issues and do what is best specifically for you, results will be instant. You will know what is best.
I try all the new products and items that come out on the market, both consumer and professional. You know what? I too have tons of them around. I love to experiment with different items to see what results I get. Is the pill too big, does it stink, does it give you stomach aches, does it come out looking the same as when it went in, does your urine smell good/bad or burn, did it constipate you, did you have to take tons of it to see a result, or is it just too hard of a plan to follow? See, I have been there. I try everything I can so I know what to tell you about when I help you find things that work for you. You do not need to take hundreds of items a day and then wish or pray you are healed. Something else may be needed and you would never think of it or something else may be going on.
So, why are you looking all over the place, asking everyone, getting tons of answers, spending tons of money that could be used for something else, and not getting results? You have not been asked or shown how to do that. Stop, listen, hear, see what you need and then feel if it is right. You will not always be right in the beginning, but you will eventually. Take a leap, learn and try.
Services may include but not limited to: in person, telephone, email, Skype and personal advocate assistance. Submit a request here.